  > My Choice Buffalo > You May Not Need An Abortion > How It's Done

How It's Done
How can you find out if you're a candidate for avoiding abortion altogether? About 1 in 4 women will terminate their pregnancies naturally via miscarriage.

To begin the simple process, pick up the phone and call your local Enlightened Woman participating medical facility. Click here for contact and location info about this facility.

Once you're at the center, you'll be given a high-sensitivity lab-quality urine pregnancy test to establish pregnancy. You'll be asked a few questions about symptoms and the timing of your last menstrual period (LMP). All consultations and medical results are strictly confidential.

If the pregnancy test is positive, you'll be scheduled for an ultrasound examination to determine fetal viability. In some cases, the ultrasound can be performed during the same initial visit. Based on the results of this ultrasound exam, medical personnel will be able to tell you whether they are seeing what's expected in a healthy pregnancy. If fetal viability is not established, then you may not need the pain, cost, and risk of abortion. Miscarriage is your body's natural way of ending a pregnancy.

All services provided are free of charge with no further obligation.


© 2008 Enlightened Woman, Inc.